Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy B'Day to me and my brother-in-law

I can no longer use 2.. number format in my age column anymore....! That brings sadness and happiness together. Sad part is, I am becoming old and the happy part is I have alot to celebrate during past years of my life. B'Day is a special day for anyone and I feel on my every B'Day, blessed seeing my family, cousins, and friends wishes. When I go along reading the wishes, I encounter many time periods of my life as school, university, work, etc. One of the most happiest things I do on my B'Days is to read these wishes that bring inexpressible feeling of happiness. Some, add phrases to emphasis their closeness to me and some, just the wish.

Also, June 26-27 is quite congested with several B'Days including mine. I share the same B'Day date with my brother-in-law and June 27th is my sister's B'Day. I feel this is something great! So it is also a fact to celebrate my B'Day every year with joy and happiness around me and my family.