Sunday, October 28, 2012

St. John Bosco Chapel dedication mass and opening 10-28-2012

Today, is a great day to celebrate in many  ways as for me and for the whole catholic and all here at Wright State community. For me, it is because we are getting a new chapel for worship and fellowship and also a B'Day celebration. When I first came to USA I was searching for a place to go for Sunday masses. With my greatest efforts I found this catholic community at the campus premises which helped me to go for masses because at that time I didn't have a car and had no way to go to St. Luke's church every Sunday for mass. Because of the way I grew up, it is one of my basic needs (not only wants) to go for Sunday masses. So today, we started dedication mass near our old chapel which brought me many memories and good friends (as I always had from my undergrads at my country). It proved me that when you meet God's people you always meet great people. It was the place we had exam crams, dinners, games, masses, etc, etc... It is not because of the building we came there but because we experienced good spirit in the middle of God. So when I looked at my right, I saw the new chapel, God's gift for us and for all of us in the campus to build the good spirit and live according to his love for us.

Before the dedication mass began, I overheard few ladies talking about how this building was a dream for many years. The spoke like how they thought it will never come true and will always be a dream as many people could not find enough funds to build it. But it was under many years or prayers and prayers and prayers. I think that is what paid off and God has his own plans and we have to believe in him. And this reminds me (strongly) to believe in him and pray for him as it is granted for a good cause. We may have thought that it is not possible after so many years as I heard that the old chapel was a temporary building for few years even though it stood for 40 years. If God wanted his people to gather in a temporary building for such a long time making that temporary building stronger than it looks, we have to believe in him that he has a plan. So here is his plan gifted to us today and we accepted with great pleasure.

It also pointed out by the Arch Bishop Most Rev. Dennis quoting that "talent is cheap but dedication is expensive". This building is an example of many people's dedication over many years and today we have this great looking building to praise God every day and experience him in a beautiful atmosphere. The chapel looks like God's dwelling place now with inspiring looks and we will make use of it to bring our good hearts to fill with God's love and guidance. Thank you Lord for giving us this beautiful gift and day to celebrate.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

New Chapel at Wright State and good feelings...

We have been waiting so long to make this a reality and many have worked hard to find a way to build the building. Sometimes I feel I liked the old building because that is where I used to meet all the people but now looking at the state of the old building, it is a timely gift from God.

Throughout last few weeks, people were moving stuff into the new building and I get some time to go and help this Wednesday for a short period of time. The new church is well lit and full of people practicing hymns for the dedication mass, playing music, friends carrying things here and there and I felt like Christmas season already. It was a wonderful feeling and I felt good enjoying the atmosphere. Everybody was exited about the new building and for the first mass on this Sunday at 2 pm. It will be a big event for all of us and good times to come. Finally, we got a new building to meet Jesus and have peace of mind and enjoy his presence in a proper sacred place. I am awaiting for the time to come...