After some time I have few minutes to write about recent past in my blog. In fact, it was a fascinating vacation I had last December. Visisted my Sister in Dubai on my way home after almost 2 years. Then it was a pretty busy vacation for me. Sudu Akki (Ninoshi - my cousin sister) got married and the days were filled with work and happiness and also Christmas spirit. The only thing I missed or delayed is the work I had to do during the long vacation but it was a vacation I had to take after a long time. In fact taking your time off for some time gives you some in sight of what you have to do and think leisurely about what has to be done in all aspects in my life. So I figured out that I need to work abit harder than now.
And also there happened many miracles in Sri Lanka while I was there. Yes, miracles do happen and the faith on God finally or all the time pays off. We never know how his plans work and what will happen to us. But eventually good will happen as you believe in God. :)