Both incidents happened when I was going overnight shopping for the first time for Thanksgiving deals. When I was in the BestBuy shop, there was a family in the queue behind me. As I saw there were the father of the family, a daughter and may be her husband and two kids. Father had grabbed a X-Box 360 and boasting about how he found that lying on a different isle when all the others were gone in a flash. The point I wanted to make is that the son was talking to the father as "mother fu..... ..." in a normal conversation. hmm I am never used to talk to my parents or even to my friends like that. Those kind of behaviors explain their background.
Then I went to the Shoe Carnival shop in the morning and there was a raffle drawn in every 15 minutes giving away $100. So I was given a ticket and I was walking around to waste 15 minutes until the drawing taken place. Then there was a young couple trying shoes and after hearing the announcement to get a ticket if anyone didn't have one, the guy asked from the girl whether they have a ticket. Then the girl said yes, we have one. Then guy said we can take two tickets so that our chance of winning would be increased. But the girl said, "it is unfair, one ticket is enough for us....". This statement totally reflects her background and good values. I wasn't expecting to hear something like that from her. So it amazed me.
On the same day, I heard very contrasting statements depicting values of people. So before you make conclusions thinking all are the same, think twice since no body is perfect. Do not make negative statements because you weren't able to experience living abroad and you want to pretend/claim life there is miserable. I know personally since I have some good friends here and all depend on whom you associate and have. Hence its your call after all. Not others.