Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A Christmas Dream I once had, started living. Reflections on our 2nd anniversary!

Our Christmas Tree - 2015
I have been dreaming of a fairy tale-like dream since I started my undergraduate university life (dated back in 2004). Hmm...., it seems like the first time I had the dream was about 11 years ago and I wrote about it to the first ever Christmas magazine we did for the Catholic Students' Movement of University of Colombo. I recall that I blogged about it for several years in the recent past (2010:, 2011:, 2012 It felt so important for me to live this dream and that is what brought me to think about this dream every year until I got married. I got married in 2013 December 30th and I see that I haven't written about my special dream since 2013. In 2013, I was busy in getting married and had lots to think about and in 2014, it may be the case that it was too early to talk about realizing the dream. But now, today, as we complete our 2nd anniversary of our journey together, I see that God have blessed us to start living the dream that I once had and have now.

Our Concept Christmas Tree and
normal Christmas Tree - 2015
    I have been blessed with a lovely wife, of course she is beautiful and many have conveyed to me the fact over the years (One famous incident was when we were in Silver Springs, near Washinton D.C. last summer when a Domino's pizza guy expressed the fact). So, having a lovely wife was part of my dream and then how we celebrate and spend the holy days of Christmas was the other part. Of course, my dream was about we both making the Christmas tree (shown in the above picture) and the Crib, arranging the home and decorating, food, having kids etc,. Most of these things are about things and not about spirituality but I believe, though these things, we get some kind of love and affection that make us closer to Jesus. So, apart from kids running around the Christmas tree and shouting out loud at home, I could see that many of the others things came true this year. We both made a tree (that is taller than me), Ronali making arrangements, I give her ideas, she gives me ideas (resulted in our concept Christmas tree, also shown above) and it was all fun and good family times. I am not going to repeat my Christmas dream once again here because I see it is becoming true and in the coming years, it will be completely fulfilled (refer to the above links if you like reading my dream in slight variation over the recent years).

   We had a pretty good and life changing 2015 in many ways and we thank God for all the blessings. We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2016!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Happy B'Day to me and my brother-in-law

I can no longer use 2.. number format in my age column anymore....! That brings sadness and happiness together. Sad part is, I am becoming old and the happy part is I have alot to celebrate during past years of my life. B'Day is a special day for anyone and I feel on my every B'Day, blessed seeing my family, cousins, and friends wishes. When I go along reading the wishes, I encounter many time periods of my life as school, university, work, etc. One of the most happiest things I do on my B'Days is to read these wishes that bring inexpressible feeling of happiness. Some, add phrases to emphasis their closeness to me and some, just the wish.

Also, June 26-27 is quite congested with several B'Days including mine. I share the same B'Day date with my brother-in-law and June 27th is my sister's B'Day. I feel this is something great! So it is also a fact to celebrate my B'Day every year with joy and happiness around me and my family.